How to Get Rid of Clothes for a Wardrobe You Love
Inside: A practical guide for how to get rid of clothes so you have a cleaner, tidier closet and create a wardrobe you actually love and wear.
I recently cleaned out my closet and took a laundry basket full of clothes to a resale shop. I made $15. It was barely worth the gas to and from the store!

However, I got rid of clothes I no longer wanted and felt so much lighter not having a crowded closet of items I never wore. Plus, the store donated the rejected clothes they didn’t want so…win-win!

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Maybe you, too, want a cleaner, tidier closet. You want to stop wasting time figuring out what to wear and be happy with your wardrobe. You want to stop looking at a crowded mash-up of clothes and accessories and actually see your options.
Limiting Beliefs to Overcome About Getting Rid of Clothes
Let’s address some of the reasons why you haven’t gotten rid of clothes yet.
You feel like you’re wasting money
Great news! You actually save money by weeding out clothes because you stop buying duplicates or impulse shopping since you “have nothing to wear.”
You don’t have time to clean out your closet
Yes it will take some time up front to declutter your closet, but in the long run you save valuable hours because now your wardrobe is only clothing you love and wear. You save time getting dressed when your options are clear!
You are afraid you’ll get rid of something you’ll need later
If you follow this post’s guide to getting rid of clothes, you won’t get rid of anything useful, just what isn’t serving you well. Plus in a last case scenario, you can always replace something if absolutely necessary. Remind yourself that these are just things, not life or death items.
You are “supposed” to have this type of item in your closet
Even though the fashion world may say something is a must-have (i.e., skinny jeans or an oversized blazer), that doesn’t mean you have to own it. Trendy fashion rules don’t apply to everyone. Aim to build a timeless, classic wardrobe and sprinkle in trendier items that you like for a well-rounded wardrobe.
You like options
It is easier to create options with a focused, capsule wardrobe versus having a collection of too many random items that only work with specific pieces. A quality over quantity approach to your closet will create more options than ever.
Now that we’ve debunked a few limiting beliefs about getting rid of clothes, let’s actually get to it. Below are simple strategies for clearing out your closet once and for all.
Strategies for How to Remove Clothes (Finally!)

1. Focus on your why and visualize your ideal closet
Visualize how you want your closet to look…what would make you happy in getting dressed every day? Stay focused on this image to keep your “why do this in the first place” in mind.
You can even jot down the benefits you’ll receive after getting rid of clothes that do not serve you well. This focused goal will help you with decisions on what to declutter.
2. Be brutally honest / gut check time
As you review your closet and consider all its contents ask yourself the questions below about each item. Be honest, go with your gut. Your instinct answer is usually the correct one!
- Do I wear this?
- Do I really love this?
- Does it spark joy?
- Does it look good on me?
3. Physically touch every item
Touch and feel each item in your wardrobe to determine how much you love it (or not) and what emotion it sparks. Not to sound too woo-woo on this, but touch is a valuable sensory experience for connecting and knowing your true feelings. Feel the fabric and know if it calls you to wear it or not.
4. Try on “maybes”
Instead of creating a “maybe” pile, try any “maybe” clothes on straight away. Determine if it fits, is in good condition and you like how you feel/look. This is not an exercise in the middle-ground: either you want to keep this article or clothing or not.

5. Own your personal style and day-to-day lifestyle
If you no longer work in an office and don’t need black and navy pantsuits, then get rid of them. If you never dress up why have multiple dresses and frilly blouses in your closet?
Consider your fashion style and the functionality you need day-to-day. If items in your closet don’t fit this profile, get rid of them. Start fresh with an honest approach to how you like to dress.
6. Avoid duplicates
There is no need to own six versions of a white blouse or dozens of pairs of jeans. Pare down your duplicated items and keep only one (or two if you must) of what you love. Find the best version of items you wear and stick to those, not second-rate dupes.
7. Be honest about fit
Our bodies change. I know mine certainly has (does)! If you haven’t worn something in awhile, try it on, be certain it fits properly. Anything that doesn’t fit well should be removed.
8. What’s the maintenance?
If a fancy skirt causes you anxiety about spilling on it and not keeping it in perfect condition, get rid of it (I think of Cindy Mancini’s suede skirt and top in the 1987 movie, Can’t Buy Me Love – red wine on white suede is never a good look!).
If clothing maintenance is too stressful or time consuming, it may not be worth having. Know your bandwidth for how much laundry or dry cleaning you can manage and limit high-maintenance items.
9. What’s the frequency of wear?
If the item in question is not something you wear on the regular, then likely it isn’t necessary to have. Yes, there are clothes we only need sometimes (coats, swimwear, seasonal items) but the majority of your closet should be filled with clothing you wear and get use out of often.
10. Flip the script
Instead of deciding what you don’t like, think about what you do. As you review the contents of your closet and dresser, hold on to items you love and would never consider getting rid of. This mindset will help set criteria for what you should keep.
11. Aim for a capsule wardrobe
A capsule wardrobe is the ideal strategy for wearing clothes as it allows you to get the most use out of the fewest pieces. A straightforward definition of capsule wardrobe is “a collection of clothing that is composed of interchangeable items only, to maximize the number of outfits that can be created” (source Wikipedia). Get rid of one-off or random items that don’t “work” with anything else in your closet.
The goal is to be able to mix and match most clothing in your closet for maximum wear. For help with creating a capsule wardrobe I highly recommend the advice from Alison Lumbatis of Outfit Formulas.

12. Trendy vs. timeless
It’s okay to have a handful of trendier items in your closet but stick with timeless pieces for a truly functional wardrobe. Get rid of dated looks or too many of one trend. These items overcrowd your closet and don’t have as much value as timeless pieces.
13. Go for comfort
What do you wear that you can’t wait to take off? An itchy sweater? Stretched out leggings? Too-tight jeans? Get rid of clothes that cause discomfort. Even for dressier items, you can find the right fit and fabric that works for you without sacrificing comfort. Declutter clothes that don’t feel good on your body — this criteria alone can eliminate a lot!
Benefits to Getting Rid of Clothes
As a reminder, there are several benefits to getting rid of clothes that don’t serve you well. Keep these benefits in the forefront as you weed out your closet and if you start to question why you are doing it in the first place.

Getting rid of clothes can be challenging, but taking the action steps listed above will help create the right wardrobe for you to save time, money and space!