How to Declutter Your Bedroom: Simple Tips to Organize Your Sleep Space


Inside: Learn how to declutter your bedroom and keep it organized for a tidy, clutter-free space, plus a list of things to declutter.

how to declutter your bedroom

Decluttering your bedroom can be a daunting task, but it’s an essential step towards creating a more relaxing and peaceful space. A cluttered bedroom can cause stress and anxiety, making it difficult to unwind and get a good night’s sleep. Fortunately, there are simple steps you can take to declutter your bedroom and create a more serene environment.

Why Decluttering Your Bedroom Matters

Psychological Benefits to a Decluttered Bedroom

Decluttering your bedroom can have significant mental benefits. When your living space is cluttered, it can cause feelings of overwhelm and anxiety. A cluttered environment can also make it challenging to focus and be productive in other areas of your life. By decluttering your bedroom, you create a sense of calm and relaxation, which can improve your mood and self-care.

In fact, a study by the National Sleep Foundation found that people who reported more clutter in their bedrooms also reported poorer sleep quality.

Physical Benefits to a Decluttered Bedroom

Decluttering your bedroom can also have physical benefits. A cluttered living space can be a breeding ground for dust, dirt, and allergens. These particles can cause respiratory issues and other health problems. By removing clutter and regularly cleaning your bedroom, you can improve your indoor air quality and reduce the risk of health issues.

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How to Declutter Your Bedroom and Create a Restful Retreat

Keep your purpose in mind / vision

Create a vision of what you’d like your bedroom to look like and the feelings you’d like it to evoke.  Maybe this is complete serenity or a happy, upbeat vibe.  Perhaps you need a place to get better sleep and rest or you also enjoy using your bedroom as a place to exercise or for quiet time (especially if you have roommates or loud family members).  Know what you’d like your bedroom’s purpose to be for you before you begin decluttering.

Remove unnecessary items

Start decluttering your bedroom by removing unnecessary items from it.  Don’t allow your bedroom to be a clutter hotspot for stuff that has nowhere to go. Remove items that can hinder your sleep or peaceful feeling or don’t align with your room’s vision.  This may include dirty laundry, food, exercise equipment, electronics, other house members stuff (see list below of 10 items to remove).

Clear off your nightstand

This surface right next to your bed may be the most prime real estate of the room!  You especially want the area near you when trying to sleep to be tidy and uncluttered.  Keep your nightstand clear when decluttering your bedroom by removing any distracting or unnecessary items.  Don’t use your nightstand as a dumping ground of books, glasses, tissues, water glasses, etc.  Clear it daily and only keep what you truly need for your nighttime routine.

how to declutter your bedroom

Clear off all surfaces

In addition to cleaning out your nightstand, clear off all other furniture surfaces:  your dresser, chest of drawers, desk, side tables, etc.  Limit visual clutter for a tidier and less stressed environment.  Be sure all items are either trashed/recycled, donated or put in their proper place.  For anything leftover that you must have in the bedroom, organize them with bins and trays (see next tip below).

Contain necessary items with trays, bowls and baskets

For items you must keep in your bedroom, contain the clutter and keep things organized with trays, bowls for rings and smaller items, baskets for tissues, eyeglasses.

Ideas for bedroom organization:
  • Bowls for rings and smaller jewelry
  • Velvet tray for tray organization
  • Small wicker baskets for tissues, eyeglasses, magazines, books
how to declutter and organize your bedroom

Remove distracting devices

Your bedroom is meant to be a retreat (for the most part) — a place to sleep and unwind.  Unless your bedroom must be used as a multipurpose space, remove distracting or stressful items.

sleep-disruptive items to remove from bedroom:
  • Laptop, computer
  • Bright lights or devices
  • Office, work supplies
  • Sad, sentimental items

Purge your closet and dresser

Keep your bedroom decluttered by regularly cleaning out your clothes (link).  Even though your closet isn’t exactly your bedroom, it’s likely adjacent or is a part of the space.  A messy closet can spill over into bedroom and easily contribute to its clutter.  Maintain your closet for a cleaner room.

  • Use a blanket ladder for “in between clothes” — AKA clothing purgatory — worn but not quite ready to be washed.  Keep these “in-between” items fresh and off the floor by hanging them on a blanket ladder.
  • Keep a laundry hamper in or near your closet for dirty clothes
  • Put clothes away, straight away
  • Don’t let clothes pile up

Bedroom Storage

Laundry Hamper

A cute laundry hamper keeps clothing clutter to a minimum and looks good in the room!

Storage Ottoman

This round storage ottoman keeps extra bedding, pillows, blankets, etc out of sight and provides an easy footrest or place to sit.

Blanket Ladder

I love the idea of a blanket ladder to hold “in-between” clothes — those not ready for the hamper, but you don’t want to hang them with your clean clothes.

Make your bed (daily)

The easiest way to make your bedroom look less cluttered?  Make your bed.  The focal point of the room should be neat and tidy.  Make your bed for a quick win on keeping your bedroom clutter-free and stress-free.  Plus, no one wants to fall into bed at the end of a long day on messy or unmade sheets.  Your nighttime self will be grateful to your morning self by doing this one simple task every day!

10 Items to Remove From Your Bedroom

Looking for a place to start?  Review this list of things that don’t belong in your bedroom and will immediately create a more clean and organized feel to your space.

declutter checklist for bedroom

  • Worn/uncomfortable sheets
  • Worn/uncomfortable comforter or duvet
  • Lumpy bed pillows
  • Too many throw pillows on bed
  • Bad lighting (replace bright bulbs with softer light)
  • Excess chargers, cords, devices
  • Books you haven’t/won’t read
  • Too many decor knick-knacks that create clutter
  • Paper clutter: bills, mail, catalogs, receipts
  • Catchall items that landed in/on your bedside table

What To Do After You Declutter the Bedroom

Awesome work! You’ve decluttered your bedroom and created a more peaceful, cleaner space. Now what?

Organize what’s left

The next key step in decluttering your bedroom is to organize your belongings. This could mean investing in storage solutions like shelves or drawers, or simply rearranging your furniture to create more space. By taking the time to organize (what’s left after the declutter), you’ll be able to find what you need more easily and keep your bedroom looking tidy and inviting.

Do a daily reset 

The daily bedroom reset includes making your bed, putting clean clothes away, dropping dirty clothes in the hamper, remove trash and get rid of anything that doesn’t belong. Do these simple tasks daily to keep your bedroom in ideal shape.

Decorate thoughtfully

When decorating your bedroom, remember the vision or goal you set up at the beginning of this process.  Don’t over-decorate or over-accessorize with extra pillows, picture frames, wall art, and other knick knacks.  Keep surfaces clean and wall art to a minimum.  Use calm, serene colors for your bedding and paint.  Make your bedroom feel welcoming and peaceful with thoughtful decor.

Use soft lighting 

Install soft white bulbs for your bedside lamp and overhead lighting.  Create a welcoming, cozy environment without harsh lighting that energize you too much or keep you awake (see light suggestion below).

Don’t use it as a catchall

Maintain a clutter-free bedroom in the long-term by not allowing it be a dumping ground for random things that come into your home.  Consider drop zones as a way to keep miscellaneous household items organized.

Keep it clean

Keep your bedroom clean with a weekly dusting or wipe down of all surfaces (including bed posts, lamps and decor), changing the bed linens, do a load of laundry to avoid clothing pileup and vacuum or sweep the floor. 

Bedroom Organization

Quick note: The above items are a few of my favorite bedroom organizational items and eligible for commission from Amazon as affiliate links.

Conclusion to Decluttering Your Bedroom

In conclusion, understanding the need to declutter your bedroom can help motivate you to take action and create a peaceful place of rest. By decluttering, you can experience psychological benefits such as reduced stress and anxiety, as well as physical benefits such as improved air quality and a cleaner space. Simply put, a decluttered bedroom allows you be healthier both inside and out! 

want to take the next step?

Declutter Your Whole House!

Don’t stop at your bedroom — declutter your kitchen, living room, bathroom and more with help from the Declutter Your Home Workbook + Planner for a complete step-by-step decluttering guide!

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