I’m Macie.
As a wife and working mother of three, I understand how challenging it can be to keep life on track. Between soccer practice, work deadlines, family issues, and household chores; it is a lot of responsibility! I feel that pressure daily and even have anxiety around it at times.
But I truly believe having a tidy home, simplifying routines, and focusing on intentional living can help us stay in control of what life throws at us and minimize the stress.
I don’t aspire to a spotless, minimalist-type home or a magazine-worthy pantry. But I do strive to protect my family’s well-being.
By simplifying life, we can lower decision fatigue, stress and overwhelm to create a sense of calm and comfort for ourselves and our families. I created FTLOS as a resource for you to declutter the excess stuff (both figuratively and literally) in your life, get organized and live with intention. These efforts to simplify can create such a positive impact on your home life and daily routines for you and your family. And the best news is — it can be done!
Fun Facts About Me
I’d rather be
reading a book
Listening to
a podcast
grateful for
my husband
Favorite place
Lake Keowee, South Carolina
my weekends
Kid sports & family time
best snuggle buddies
my three kiddos
Favorite Organizing Post
Most Read Decluttering Post
Favorite Intentional Living Post
Where this all began
When I became a mother for the first time in 2010, life tipped heavily to the needs of my son. As a natural-born organizer (even my childhood books were in perfect condition!) and someone who likes control over their environment, I did not respond well to this lack of balance.
I realized I needed a healthy balance in life, not only for my family but for myself.
By putting my natural tendencies for organization to work and educating myself on simple living, I’ve lowered my anxiety and overwhelm. And when we added two more children to the mix, this was needed more than ever!
Reading books, listening to podcasts, and following thought leaders about simplifying life has helped me better understand its value.
I want you to feel a sense of peace and calm amidst the everyday hustle and bustle.
I want you to have a home that is a sanctuary not a mosh pit of stuff and responsibilities.
When you join the For the Love of Simple community, you will discover how decluttering the excess, staying organized, and creating routines can create a healthy life balance so you feel less overwhelmed at home.
I believe simplifying life is about freedom, not restriction, and allows room for more joy in our busy world.